Education on Cannabis Massage in Las Vegas

Live from Las Vegas!

Nevada Medical Marijuana Regulation Priorities…Live from Las Vegas

I was recently asked by a Nevada State Senator to come and give a presentation on Cannabis Infused Massage Therapy. It was my first time in Las Vegas and an incredible experience. Senator Segerblom and all of the distinguished members of the subcommittee were full of great questions regarding the regulations surrounding cannabis massage.

Senator Segerblom and I after my presentation

Nevada Senator Segerblom and Jordan Person, marijuana massage therapist and nurse

The new questions brought to light were eye opening regarding what regulations will be necessary in the future of cannabis infused massage therapy. Will the therapist require a new type of license? Will patients be mandated to hold a “red card” in order to receive services? Did the state boards of massage therapy need to provide permission for therapists to provide services? All of these questions and more were enough to spark my interest to continue the pursuit of the answers upon my return to Colorado.

I received a telephone call from a Las Vegas reporter one week after giving my presentation. They wanted to do a story on the businesses that are a result of the booming cannabis industry. Although my reasons for being there were strictly educational, it was an honor to be part of a news story. This is a link to the story. 

The following is a link to an excellent blog regarding all the topics covered that day.